Minneapolis + St Paul Pet Photography Blog

tonka :: minneapolis pet photographer

Tonka is a shiny, happy, powerhouse of snuggles. Unlike what I thought (and most people assume) she’s not a Pit Bull mix, but an English Stafforshire Bull Terrier. She’s smaller than Am Staffs, with a different build than a Pit. They’re commonly referred to as “Nanny Dogs” in England for their affinity for children, and it’s been said that “no dog is more loving with its family.” Tonka was so cute, she’d do her sit/stay, look at her mom for approval, then come trotting over to me for some pets. This girl’s smile is bigger than her face, as you’ll see in this first image…..

She made these great, curious expressions at the noises I was making…..


Hi! I'm Sarah, but feel free to call me Sarah Beth. I've been a professional photographer for over 17 years, and I've been an animal lover and an artist my entire life. Read More . . .


Sarah Ernhart
Sarah Beth Photography

2205 California St. NE, Suite 101
Minneapolis, MN 55418