Minneapolis + St Paul Pet Photography Blog

walk for animals!

Wow, I’m a big procrastinator. My good friends at Dear Florence and I put together a team for the AHS’s Walk For Animals in…..oh….February. Things got busy, put on hold, and now the Walk is only 8 days away, and we need your help! If you’re like me and haven’t made your donation yet, why not join our team and throw some money at the good people of the Animal Humane Society?

You can donate any amount you like, and joining Team HART doesn’t mean you need to walk with us or come to the event, just that you support the cause. Looks like donations are credit card only {sorry, no Paypal} And if you can’t help us out this year, we promise to make a super awesome, super dedicated effort next year  :)

For more info on what this is all about, click here!

ahs walk for animals may 1st


Hi! I'm Sarah, but feel free to call me Sarah Beth. I've been a professional photographer for over 17 years, and I've been an animal lover and an artist my entire life. Read More . . .


Sarah Ernhart
Sarah Beth Photography

2205 California St. NE, Suite 101
Minneapolis, MN 55418