This is my second year working with the fabulous Home For Life Animal Sanctuary, and I just think they’re great! They provide lifetime care for the special needs animal that, while still able to lead a quality life, is unable to find a home due to age, chronic treatable disorder, handicap or similar reason. The amazing people who volunteer for Home For Life know each of the animals by name. (there’s over 200 of them) The animals have room to run, get attention every day, and have shelter both indoors and out. Many were abused or injured, have genetic defects, diseases like Feline Lukemia, or were generally just dealt a bad hand.
In addition to lifetime care, Home For Life gives their animals a chance to give back to the community through a series of innovative outreach programs in their Pet Peace Corps. “Peace Creatures” uses volunteers, staff and animals from the sanctuary to teach peaceful conflict resolution to families impacted by domestic violence. The “Renaissance Project” has been up and running for over 8 years. This program pairs at-risk teens with some of the younger dogs at the shelter. The teens train the dogs and bring them on visits for therapy work with the elderly. The program has become a model for other area shelters and rescue groups that have started their own outreach efforts. Their “Senior Outreach Program” works with nursing homes throughout the Twin Cities for therapy work with the elderly. “Sit*Stay*Heal” works with Fairview University Hospitals to bring comfort and joy to children and adults with cancer and mental health conditions, as well as degenerative diseases like Huntington’s, MS, and Alzheimer’s.
I really really love this first image…
Peaches had been shot while out exploring one day, and HFL took her in after her dedicated family simply could not care for her anymore. She’s doing great with the help of the volunteers, and Peaches thinks that Home For Life is the cat’s pajamas. (heehee!)
This is Home For Life’s mascot, Candy. He’s a talker! Here he is showing off for me…. “Hi Candy!”
This is Crema, the resident goat. She has malformed front legs, and can only use her back ones. She was out munching on some grass when I arrived.
Nike, on the right, moves so fast on her 2 good legs, that it’s tough to get a photo of her! You can read about her touching story (and her awesome sponsor) here.
Just look at these sweet faces!
Digging to China.
Anook, on the left, is a well-known Chow at Home For Life. He came from the Red Lake Reservation, abandoned, matted, nearly blind with Lyme’s disease and Heartworm. He’s a fluffy love bug, and you can read Anook’s story (and many other HFL dogs’ stories) by clicking here.
If I remember correctly, the Great Dane on the left suffers from Epilepsy. I’ve seen Beauty (on the right) at a couple events in the Twin Cities. She’s become a bit of a mascot herself!
Moppet is one of the dogs outfitted with his very own wheels!
Pure. Joy.
While most of the animals at Home For Life have had a sad beginning, their forever home is anything but sad. They really have a fabulous life here, and I’m proud to help them out when I can! Since Home For Life is not a rescue organization that adopts out animals, I’ll be donating 15% of all Pet Session fees to them in May, rather than the standard 10%. If you would like to donate as well, know that 100% of your contribution goes directly to the care and feeding of sanctuary residents. Starting June 5th, donors and sponsors are invited to tour the facility on Wednesdays and Sundays.
Click here for their online donation form and faq’s.
If a particular animal touches your heart, you can become that animal’s sponsor. Please click here for the sponsorship form.
To contact Home For Life, call 1-800-252-5918, or email