Minneapolis + St Paul Pet Photography Blog

call for dog models!

Bring me your dogs! I’m working on a special photography project, and I need your help. I’m looking for dogs in and around the Minneapolis / Saint Paul area to come to the SBP studio and be a part of this super fun {yet-to-be-revealed-semi-secret} idea.

**UPDATE** I previously said the submission deadline was Sunday, May 23rd, but I’ve moved it up to a week from today, on Tuesday, May 18th. Keep the ball moving and whatnot   :)

“So, Sarah, what’s in it for me?” Well…. in exchange for bringing your dog to the studio, {at no charge to you} letting me style and shoot how I want, you will get:

  • A FREE 8×10 of your choice from the shoot
  • 40% off a regular session {if you want…. no obligation!}
  • Your dog’s portrait inclusion in a hanging show and possibly other merchandise
  • An awesomely fun time

“But, Sarah, there’s always a catch though, right?” Right. So, nothing personal, but not every dog who applies will be chosen for this project. I’m looking for about 10-15 models, and choices will be made on my own aesthetic and what I want included in the show. Also, the session will not be like a client session, it will be comprised only of what I’m striving for in this particular project.

“So, Sarah, what *DO* you want?” Well…. I want dogs that are unusual, with character, with charm, with personality! With a unique look, whether it’s fabulous, elegant, curmudgeonly, or crazy! The more anthropomorphic, the better! I do ask that the models have basic skills like sit/stay, and are tolerant of objects on/around them.

There are certain breeds that I would really really love to have for this project, but please don’t feel limited by this list. And if you know of someone who has one of these breeds, PLEASE pass the info along to them!

  • Anything Hairless
  • Standard Poodle (traditionally groomed)
  • Afghan Hound
  • Chinese Crested
  • Borzoi
  • Ibizan
  • Shar Pei
  • Italian Greyhound
  • Bulldog
  • Anything white that’s not supposed to be (mutation)

“So, Sarah, how do I get to be a part of this amazingly fun opportunity?” Well….. all you have to do is send me an email! Please tell me a bit about your dog and attach a photo so I can assess “the look.” If you’re not sure your dog is a right fit, send it anyway! I won’t know what will work until I see it.

The deets:

  • Send your email + photo to info@sarahbethphotography.com
  • All submissions must be received no later than Tuesday, May 18th
  • All submissions will be notified of inclusion or exclusion by Wednesday, May 19th
  • All sessions will be completed no later than Tuesday, June 8th
  • Participants will not be charged for the session, and are under no obligation to purchase anything
  • Participants will receive a free 8×10 print and a voucher for 40% off a regular session
  • Participants must sign a release allowing for commercial use of the images by Sarah Beth Photography

I can’t wait to see what you guys send me! I’m really excited about this project  :)


Hi! I'm Sarah, but feel free to call me Sarah Beth. I've been a professional photographer for over 19 years, and I've been an animal lover and an artist my entire life. Read More . . .


Sarah Ernhart
Sarah Beth Photography

2205 California St. NE, Suite 101
Minneapolis, MN 55418