Hello! I thought it was high time I gave the blog a little love. People say this a lot, and I usually say it too, but I am SOO busy right now. I have to apologize to my current clients who haven’t gotten as much attention as they deserve {thank you so much for all your patience, you guys are awesome!} With seemingly nonstop shooting + editing, the Save-A-Bull show coming up and lots of events in May, I’ve been falling dreadfully behind. Big thanks to Mandy for helping me out these past few days! I’m anticipating a huge string of blog posts coming very soon! Also, just a heads-up, I’m fully booked for June and can’t take any new clients until the second week in July. But, if you or someone you know has a need for a Joy Session, don’t worry, I’ll always shoot those as soon as they’re needed.
Now, on to the blog post! This crew came in a whole month ago (see how behind?) and we had a very entertaining session! First up was the three-legged bun (I don’t have her name, sorry!) then the two boys, Cooper and Dawson, Lily the Siamese and Chase the Quaker Blue Parrot. Chase was cracking us all up… he knows lots of words and phrases like “Cooper,” “Step up” and “What’s so funny” He was on my shoulder, talking with his mom, and I started to laugh…. Chase followed that up with “Ha ha ha ha ha.” Which made me laugh more, which made him laugh more and so on. Love it. He wasn’t much for going where we wanted, he mostly flittered from our heads to our shoulders. We did get him on the back of a chair for a bit and he gave us some good images. You can see an image of Cooper and Dawson at the Save-A-Bull show on Tuesday…. more on that and the extended Bone Adventure show in another post.