This was a really fun and challenging photo shoot with a bevy of cats, some of whom wanted little to do with me or my camera. When I do in-home cat sessions, I like to bring a little mini-studio setup — a) to make sure we get a nice variety of images, and b) I just really love cats on the simple, clean background. (I’ll share those in a second blog post, this one’s all about the location)
This session was mainly for old man Alchemy, the gorgeous Siamese. He’s getting up there and having some health issues, so it was time to get some great images to remember him by.
Young Violet was very busy, and always keeping a watchful eye on the goings on.Squeakers is a big boy with an affinity for brushes.
The lovely (and fairly disgruntled) Sabrina was my biggest challenge…. she was not a fan of the whole idea.
The really big boy is Dipsty, a husky fellow weighing in at 23 pounds. He also was not a big fan.