Minneapolis + St Paul Pet Photography Blog

siggi :: minneapolis pet photography :: joy session

Hi, blog friends. Sessions are winding down for the year, holiday orders are almost complete, and I’m getting excited to work on some new things for the business in the coming weeks! Thanks for hanging out with me on Facebook, where I’ve been posting sneak peeks {in lieu of actual blogging} and if you haven’t checked out the FB, now is an excellent time. Go ahead. Give it a try. I’ll wait. There, wasn’t that easy? Now back to the blog….

Little Siggi’s mom contacted me for a Joy Session earlier this fall, with a very unusual cancer of the lining of her blood vessels. Siggi was such a sweet little old lady, and so beautiful. She had a very long, very loved life, and I was honored to photograph her.

dachshund black and whitelong haired dachshund, windsnaggle tooth doxieminiature doxie outdoors summer


Hi! I'm Sarah, but feel free to call me Sarah Beth. I've been a professional photographer for over 19 years, and I've been an animal lover and an artist my entire life. Read More . . .


Sarah Ernhart
Sarah Beth Photography

2205 California St. NE, Suite 101
Minneapolis, MN 55418